West Dorset Terrier

As James Hilton has bought a Terrier and repainted it recently it inspired me to get mine out and do the same, as it has been rather forgotten about of late with my modelling mojo not particularly high despite more time than usual. Still, weathering the wagon the other day gave me a bit of confidence and inspiration to move onto another loco, with the Dean Goods already done.

Livery wise, I had done the Dean Goods in a garter blue but wasn't sure about the colour. I did in fact get out a few reds and greens to see what might work and had got as far as opening a tinlet of red before deciding it was a little too lurid.

Anyway, I thought keep to what I know and I decided to paint it in a colour that I already had used regularly in OO9 (see below) a greeny beige that I thought had a nice subtle look whilst being a touch different to the run of the mill olives and brunswicks.

All I can say is that when people mention scaling colour to the size of the model they are absolutely right, as the colour looks completely different on the slightly larger Terrier, a lot paler looking. So that's a lesson learnt anyway.

Obviously tidying up will be required, with a second coat first, and I'll have to redo the black anyway with a slightly more grey tinted colour so I didn't see much point in masking it off. It now has a bit of an Improved Engine Green look to it which I suppose is fairly appropriate!

I couldn't resist posing it with a short passenger train; bearing in mind these are tiny 4 wheelers it shows how miniature the Terriers really are, I expect the body could probably be used in something like 00n3 if you wanted to with little modification.

With slightly better lighting this also gave me an opportunity to take slightly better photos of the new wagon, hopefully showing some of the more subtle effects I have tried to achieve. 

In the background you can also see an ex-L&Y van (not that I knew it was until it was helpfully pointed out by BernardTPM on the NGRM forum!) by Triang I believe which has had its chassis replaced by a new brass and white metal one and has been lightly primed. How I am going to finish this one I'm not sure but I expect it will be vaguely similar to the wagon. 

Fitting three links to my existing stock is a task in my imminent future whilst I really should crack on and finish the track on my micro which will allow scenic work to start, a step I enjoy but rarely get to doing!

Fingers crossed I'll have an update shortly. 
